Friday, January 27, 2012




04/10/95 - Supported Federal tax dollars being spent on abortions.
10/16/09 - Angered conservatives by endorsing pro-abort Dede Scozzafava.


09/20/79 - He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the 1st time.
06/04/80 - He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the 2nd time.
02/05/81 - He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the 3rd time.
06/28/84 - He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the 4th time. 


04/02/87 - Cosponsored the 87 Fairness Doctrine (anti 1st Amendment)
09/27/79 - Voted to establish the Federal Dep't of Education.
05/04/79 - Voted for land grab that put millions of acres in the hands of Washington.
04/18/96 - Voted for Federal restrictions on laser sighting devices.
04/25/96 - Voted for the largest increase on Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion)
11/29/06 - Said that free speech should be curtailed to fight terrorism.
Called for a "serious debate about the 1st Amendment."
11/29/06 - Called for a "Geneva Convention for terrorists" so it would be clear who the Constitution need not apply.
04/24/07 - Praised the corporatist business-model of Freddie Mac, saying it would be effective.
04/24/07 - Said about Gov't-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs): "conservatives should embrace [them] and want to extend as widely as possible."
05/20/07 - Would "establish a nationwide ID card with biometrics so you can track everybody."
04/28/08 - Wants another Fed agency to be "very aggressive" against "terrorists" and have "extraordinary abilities" not restricted by the constitution.
04/20/07 - Praised NYC Mayor Bloomberg; he "takes his hat off to the mayor for proving gov't can be effective."
03/19/11 - Has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)
03/25/11 - Plans to sign 200 executive orders on his first day as president.
10/07/11 - He said he'd ignore the Supreme Court if need be.


09/28/08 - Would have reluctantly voted for the $700B TARP bailout.
09/28/08 - Says McCain's vote for TARP "greatest single act of responsibility ever taken by a presidential candidate".
12/08/08 - Was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from bringing reform.
12/01/11 - Warning Freddie Mac of "insane" business model proven false when laudatory interview from '07 resurfaced.


02/22/89 - Cosponsored Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989.
02/15/07 - Supported Bush's proposal for mandatory carbon caps.
04/11/07 - Had public debate with John Kerry on global warming, Newt agreed with Kerry, praised his book, almost hugged him.
04/17/08 - Made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi on Climate Change.
01/30/11 - He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
01/30/11 - Suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.
02/15/11 - Believes man-made climate-change and advocated "a new endowment for conservation and the environment."
04/25/11 - He's a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.


11/19/93 - He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.
11/27/94 - He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.
06/95 - Wrote the foreword to a book tearing down the Constitution and promoting World Gov't.
01/06/96 - Conceived a secret CIA mission to topple the Iranian leadership.
10/13/05 - Called for "universal but confidential" DNA testing of citizens.
06/10/10 - Cozy with VeriChip/PositiveID, company that specializes in human-microchipping.
03/15/11 - Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.
08/11/11 - His recent criticism of the UN is belied by a long history supporting it.


03/93 - He was "passionately in favor" of sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.


09/16/96 - Voted for Brady Lautenberg Gun Ban, taking away rights of people in misdemeanors.
09/28/96 - Voted for the "Gun Free School Zones Act" making schools easier targets, disarming citizens.
96 - He earned a "D" rating from the Gun Owners of America.
04/04/07 - Says that there should be distinction about what weapons should be only for the military.


01/22/97 - Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.
11/05/98 - Resigned from his House seat 3 days after being elected to his 11th term.
03/09/11 - Blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country.
06/09/11 - His own campaign staff resigned en masse.
07/15/11 - His poorly managed campaign is over $1 Million in debt.
08/01/11 - Hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear he had a following.
11/19/11 - Said Barney Frank should be arrested for lobbying for Freddie Mac, just a month before it became public that Gingrich was lobbying for them at the same time.
11/20/11 - He has been outed as a paid lobbyist for drug companies.
05/17/11 - Has an outstanding debt to Tiffany's of between $250K - $500K.
12/08/11 - pocketed campaign funds - paying himself over $40K for a mailing list he already had.
06/01/96 - Helped "Clinton Clone" Democrat switch parties in attempt to defeat Ron Paul in '96.


05/12/11 - Was more supportive of health-care mandates than Romney.
05/15/11 - Said GOP's plan to cut back Medicare was "too big a jump."
05/15/11 - Backed Obama's mandate; "All of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care."
05/16/11 - Endorsed mandates in 93 when Clinton pushed Universal Health Care.


08/27/95 - Suggests that drug smuggling should carry a death sentence.
09/25/96 - H.R. 4170, demanded life-sentence/execution for 2 ounces of pot across border.
03/31/09 - Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
11/28/11 - He thinks its the job of the Federal Gov't to ban medical marijuana.
11/28/11 - Pharmaceutical lobbyist, thinks non-Pharma drugs like medical marijuana should be banned by gov't.
11/28/11 - He praised draconian drug penalties in Singapore for the second time.


05/20/07 - Would bypass the court system establishing a "military tribunal system to lock people up."
04/28/08 - He said that allow some terror to happen, to keep the people afraid.
07/30/10 - Says that Iraq was just step one in defeating the "Axis of Evil".
08/03/10 - Advocates attacks on Iran & North Korea.
12/05/10 - Said website owner should be considered enemy combatant, executed, for publishing leaked gov't memos.
02/02/11 - Says we are "losing the War on Terror"; the conflict will be as long as the Cold War
02/13/11 - Criticized Obama for sending less U.S. taxdollars to Egypt.
03/23/11 - Completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.
03/27/11 - Says America is under attack by atheist Islamists.
09/27/11 - Says he "helped develop the model for Homeland Security"
11/12/11 - Advocates assassinating Iranian scientists and covert war with Iran.
11/22/11 - Supports the Patriot Act and would like to see it strengthened.
11/22/11 - Says that matters of National Security should'nt be encumbered by Due Process.
11/28/11 - Said he wants to be "aggressive" with Cuba topple their gov't before 2014.
08/16/10 - Opposes property rights of the mosque owner in NYC.
08/16/10 - Compares mosque supporters to Nazis



• Unilaterally, illegally and unconstitutionally instituted same-sex “marriage” falsely claiming the “court ordered him to.”

• Signed the forerunner to Obamacare (Romneycare) into law which includes $50 tax-subsidized elective surgical abortions including late-term abortions into law (3 years AFTER his fake “pro-life conversion”).

• Boosted funding for homosexual “education” starting in kindergarten.

• Opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters.

• Promised the homosexual Republican “Log Cabin Republicans” he wouldn’t oppose “gay marriage” in return for their endorsement.

• Instituted a quasi-socialist healthcare plan endorsed by Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and Planned Parenthood that destroyed the Massachusetts’ economy.

• Forced Catholic Charities, the nation’s #1 adoption and foster care service to place children with same sex couples even though he was under no legal obligation to do so as even former Governor Michael Dukakis has acknowledged.

• Increased taxes and fees by close to a billion dollars which destroyed the Massachusetts’ economy and opposed the Bush Tax Cuts.

• Voted # 8 RINO by Human Events.

• Passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated 2 open homosexuals.

• Criticized Joint Chiefs of Staff, Peter Pace for saying that homosexual acts were “immoral.”

• Supports passage at the state level of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution.

• Romney supported McCain-Feingold “campaign finance reform”, McCain-Kennedy “comprehensive immigration reform” (i.e. amnesty), and parts of the McCain-Lieberman “carbon cap and trade” bill and opposed the Bush Tax Cuts.

Friday, January 6, 2012



This 1:30 clip proves it with his own words:

Thursday, January 5, 2012



Rick Santorum On Small Government

Rand Paul Exposes Santorum:

Reckless, Trigger-Happy Big Spender



Rick Santorum's own voting record will sink him even faster than his support for pro-abort Arlen Specter (where he said Specter is still with the GOP on "important matters" - suggesting baby-killing is not important) and his award to Penn State pedophile, Jerry Sandusky.

Santorum voted with Barbara Boxer with this: SA 3230 - Gun Lock Requirement Amendment
Santorum voted for HJ Res 47 - Debt Limit Increase Resolution
Santorum voted for CAFTA which resulted in almost ALL textile companies to leave the South!
Santorum voted for taxes in the Internet Access Tax Bill
Santorum voted against S 1805 - Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill
Santorum voted for HR 5005 - Establishing the Department of Homeland Security
Santorum voted for Use of Military Force Against Iraq
Santorum voted against HR 2356 - Campaign Reform Act of 2001
Santorum voted for HR 1 - No Child Left Behind Act
Santorum voted to confirm President Clinton's nomination of Alan Greenspan to be Fed Chairman
Santorum voted for HR 3448 - Minimum Wage Increase bill which allows punitive damages for injury or illness and damages for emotional distress to be taxed. And repeals the diesel fuel tax rebate.
Supposed pro-life Santorum voted for the protection of Abortion Clinics
Santorum voted for the Military Commissions Act of 2006 which strips the right of detainees to habeas corpus (the traditional right of detainees to challenge their detention); gives the US President the power to detain indefinitely anyone he deems to have provided material support to anti-US hostilities, and even use secret and coerced evidence (torture) to try detainees who will be held in secret US military prisons; and gives US officials immunity from prosecution for torturing detainees.